A Proactive Strategy

COVID-19 Plan


Evergreen Construction is proactively tracking COVID-19 to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all those on our job sites. In addition to our current safety protocols of noise and dust protection, we have implemented new policies to help protect all workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. In order to maintain a healthy workplace, we are monitoring government issued mandates daily to evaluate, establish and enforce necessary rules and regulations. 


  • Assign COVID-19 Health and Safety Coordinator. 
  • Identify scheduled trades and number of employees required for each trade. 
  • Create and review daily logs to re-evaluate existing protocols. 
  • Monitor OSHA.gov, NYC.gov and/or CDC.gov to review changes in government issued mandates. 


  • Establish job site occupancy to allow for social distancing. 
  • Adjust regulations based on changing government mandates. 
  • Post updated rules and regulations in designated spot to inform tradesmen of updated guidelines. 


  • Assign laborers to sanitize surfaces and tools. 
  • Require all tradesmen to wear personal protective equipment. 
  • All Evergreen field supervisors will be responsible for monitoring the health of all tradesmen and field personnel on a daily basis coming on to the job site. 


This is the first installment of COVID-19 policies. Adjustments will be made to adapt to site specific rules and regulations and are subject to change in accordance with NY health and safety mandates.  The following guidelines will be distributed and posted weekly to all on-site staff. 

Upon Arrival

  • All staff to meet outside service entry and maintain 6’ social distancing using Evergreen’s designated line markers.
  • All site arrivals must be scheduled with an Evergreen team member to ensure health and safety protocols are followed.
  • Prior to entry PPE will be distributed and individual’s temperature will be checked using SaniTemp.
  • No more than 4 people (including operator)  will be allowed in the freight elevator at one time. 
  • Start times and break times will be staggered whenever possible to minimize the number of people in the work areas, loading dock, freight elevator, etc.
  • Evergreen will be supplying masks, sanitizer, and gloves on-site daily. 


  • If you feel sick or have been exposed to anyone who is sick with COVID-19, stay at home. You may be required to provide COVID-19 test result showing a negative result (not infected with COVID-19) before being allowed to return to work. This is critical to preventing spread of the virus. 
  • Individuals to check temperature daily to reduce risk of exposure to other staff. 
  • Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Avoid touching your face with un-sanitized hands. Avoid touching common surfaces with bare hands. 
  • Bathrooms and frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned on a daily basis.
  • Constantly observe your work distances in relation to other staff. Maintain the recommended minimum 6 feet separation from one another at all times feasible.
  • Do not shake hands or make other unnecessary direct contact with other staff.
  • Do not share phones. Use of microwaves, water coolers, and other similar group equipment for breaks is suspended until further notice.
  • Clean personal tools prior to use, as well as group tools. 
  • Mask and gloves to be worn by all staff on site.
  • Disposable paper towels and similar waste must be deposited in non-touch waste bins. 
  • Do not cough or sneeze into your hand; rather, direct coughs and sneezes into a cloth or tissue or, if not available, the crook of your arm at your elbow; follow established CDC guidelines.
  • Workers should change work clothes and shoes prior to arriving at home. All clothing should not be shook out. Launder work clothes separate from other laundry.